Finding Shipping, Cargo, or Storage Containers for Sale: What questions to answer first

Yang Ming Shipping Container

Every day, countless people begin the process of buying a shipping container. Many people are buying them to convert into storage units, others are planning to use them to help with moving or relocating, and even a few are even converting containers to housing or similar projects. It’s important to do your homework before buying a container, and it always helps to see out the advice of a professional – talking to a respected industry professional can save you both time and money.

There are a few standard questions that you should have the answers to before buying starting to search for a container.

1. Do you need help moving the container? It sounds obvious, but it will save some time if you’re prepared for this question up front. Many people can help to arrange the delivery of your container, but you’ll need to budget for this in advance.

2. Will you need help unloading the shipping container from the truck? If you’re going to be grounding the container at a location for a long period, the delivery truck may be able to ground the container without much assistance. However, depending on the available room the truck may need assistance from a fork lift or crane to unload the container.


Read more about buying a shipping container