Shipping Container Articles and Blog Posts

Finding Shipping, Cargo, or Storage Containers for Sale: What questions to answer first

Yang Ming Shipping Container

Every day, countless people begin the process of buying a shipping container. Many people are buying them to convert into storage units, others are planning to use them to help with moving or relocating, and even a few are even converting containers to housing or similar projects. It’s important to do your homework before buying a container, and it always helps to see out the advice of a professional – talking to a respected industry professional can save you both time and money.

What's The Difference Between A Cargo Container And A Portable Storage Container?

Cargo container vs. storage container

Are you confused about the difference between a portable storage container and a shipping or cargo container? There's no need to be embarrassed, many people are. Unless you're working with containers on a daily basis, or have done extensive research it can be confusing at first. The primary source of confusion is the similarity of the names, both shipping container and portable storage container sound like they're the one in the same, and in a general sense, they are very similar. However, the primary difference between the two is in the utility of the container. Once you understand this it's easy to see how different containers can be better suited for different tasks.

Shipping and Storage Container Flooring

Shipping container flooring

Shipping container flooring has seen various changes over the years, and the type of flooring can depend on the type of container or the company that originally had the container built. If you’re plans are to purchase a container for intermodal shipping or to use as a mobile storage unit, you may not need to be overly concerned with the flooring material and structure. If you plan to modify a container into a modular housing unit or some other type of residence, you may want to consider the structure of the container and flooring material.

What to Consider When Buying a Mobile Storage Unit

storageg units

Countless professions around the world can, and do, benefit from mobile offices. Primarily, these mobile offices are mostly visible in the construction sites or in sales offices. However, they are increasingly being used in administrative blocks, and similar places. Mobile office and storage is widely used nowadays. What many people don’t realize is that these units are actually portable storage containers which can easily be repositioned from one place to another.

Tips for Choosing Suitable Container Shipping Services

Whenever international shipping services are used to transport goods from one place to another, one also has to look out for costs effective services available in the market. Current market scenario has established a new set of companies that are offering shipping services as per the requirement of the clients. Huge number of companies is offering solutions without compromising with the safety and the security of goods.

Tips for Buying Shipping Containers

40' shipping container

Due to their popularity in the freight industry, shipping containers are inexpensive and convenient. However, their uses aren't limited to shipping and transportation. After making a few minor adjustments you can repurpose a cargo container for use as a temporary office, a mobile storage unit, or even an environmentally friendly house. When considering a container for your next building project there are few things you should keep in mind before you purchase a shipping container.

Shipping Container Types and Their Common Uses

Loaded shipping container

It's common knowledge that shipping containers come in different sizes, the most common being 20' and 40' containers; what many people don't think about is that there are several types of shipping containers, each designed for different uses. The history of intermodal shipping is relatively short, but in that short period of time shipping lines have been very effective at designing the most efficient ways to transport all types of goods around the world.
